Welcome to my blog about conscious climbing


Climbing outdoors
Some motivation to begin with

If you never tried bouldering before, I highly recommend to do so. It is a fun sport allowing you to get in a good physical shape while solving creative problems. In case you are living somewhere in western or central Europe, there is probably a gym in the nearest big city. Go and check it out! 

If you want to start climbing, I recommend you to absolve an introduction course in order to learn the basics: You will learn how to belay, tie a knot & what equipment you will need. In addition, you will also gather some confidence for your first climb with a rope.

About the author

I go climbing and bouldering both in the gym and outdoors since 2015. In the past few years I gained some experience in this field:

  • I worked as a route-setter as a part time job, because I enjoyed the creativity of this task.
  • I gave beginner & intermediate bouldering courses both for individuals and groups in order to pass on my knowledge.
  • I did several outdoor trips, including visiting well-known climbing destinations such as Arco & Fontainebleau.
Route-setting, climbing

Conscious decision-making
Conscious decision-making

Conscious decision-making is not only important in everyday life, it is also crucial in climbing.

  • Physical awareness is crucial in the progress of reaching your training goals quickly and without injury. Being aware of what, when, and how you work out or eat, plays here a central role.
  • Climbing, however, is not only about being in a good physical shape. An essential part of climbing is the time spent in nature. The quality of which partially depends on how well you choose the destination and time of your trip and how you get to the desired location.
  • Meanwhile, your environmental awareness, including your purchasing decisions, can affect both your next trip and your long-term physical health.

In my blog posts you will find more detailed descriptions of these topics.

Blog posts

In my blog, I not only want to share my gathered experience with you. I also want to cover some interesting and complex topics (related to climbing) and sum up these in an intelligible form.

Through my blog posts you will be able to imp­rove your climbing skills, reduce the risk of injury, easliy select your destination and re-do my craft-projects if you would like to.

Stay tuned & subscribe for monthly updates to never miss an interesting topic.

Some articles will be also available as video content:


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To be a good climber, you need a wide range of skills. This cat­e­go­ry fo­cus­es on how to im­prove your phy­si­cal & men­tal strength and tech­nique. Re­gard­less of your climb­ing level, you will prob­a­bly learn some­thing new.

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Climb­ing is not only about the sport it­self, but also about a healthy life­style. This cat­e­go­ry fo­cus­es on eating habits, en­vi­ron­men­tal aware­ness and fur­ther health related topics.

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Out­door trips are one of the most sat­is­fy­ing parts of climb­ing. This cat­e­go­ry fo­cus­es on both well-known and hidden climb­ing des­ti­na­tions. Fur­ther­more, it deals with trav­el­ling and with being out­doors in gen­er­al.

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Gain­ing fin­ger strength is es­sen­tial from a cer­tain climb­ing level on. This cat­e­go­ry fo­cus­es on ba­sic train­ing equip­ment and on craft pro­jects about how to make them for your ev­ery­day train­ing at home.

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